Do you ever feel at the mercy of other people’s commitments or requests?
Over-extended? Exhausted?
Learn more about your decision-making pattern, commitment tendencies
and indulgent behaviours that cause overwhelm & burn-out.
With 10 quick questions, you’ll discover which State of Capacity you are spending the most time in
— and receive a customized video + tips to make small-but-monumental shifts.



When a new opportunity comes up...

When you are asked to commit to something new, your self talk sounds like:

When your plate gets full, you attempt to regain balance of your commitments and obligations by:

When you are bored, you:

When the stars are aligned and all seems manageable, it's usually because:

When you find yourself over-committed, you:

When you're on top of your game, you:

When procrastination creeps in, you:

When you are feeling like you need to back out of a commitment, it mainly sounds like this:

Which statement best represents your high capacity nature:

Capacity Assessment
Indulgent Capacity Profile

Are you over-committed? Is overwhelm starting to creep in? I bet it is! This state has us addicted to adrenaline. It may activate our people-pleasing tendencies and has us saying 'yes' too much. Those who spend time in this state may start operating from a 'FOMO' (fear of missing out) mindset, leading to chronic over-commitment. What have you said yes to lately? What could you have said no to? What did you want to say no to and caved at the last minute? Check out this quick personalized video! 1) "I’m sorry, I just don’t have the capacity for this right now." 2) “I can see how important this is. Can we take a few minutes to discuss further? There is a lot on the go right now and I want to honour my commitments and to be completed successfully. I may have to put a hold on another project in order to take this one on.” 3) “Thank you for thinking of me for ________________. While I’m not able to ___________________, I would be able to ________________." Click here for more resources and tips!
Fatigued Capacity Profile

When you say YES, you are saying NO to something else. Sounds like you haven't said NO often enough. You are tired from having too many obligations and commitments. You are not able to keep up with the indulgent capacity tendencies and ended up missing deadlines and/or disappointing others and/or yourself. Your possible people-pleasing tendencies may be taking over and influencing you to say yes too often and to everyone! Click here for your personalized results: Click here for more resources and tips!
Reserved Capacity Profile

You are cautious, sometimes too cautious, before committing or seeking new opportunities. You may be hesitant to commit for different reasons. It may also be that you have so much to share with the world, however you are reserved in giving up your time and energy. 'Analysis Paralysis' is common when in a state of Reserved Capacity. It could mean that you are spending a lot of time analyzing new opportunities before making a decision, which may ultimately leave you behind or missing out. Finally, boredom may have infiltrated your mindset leaving you unmotivated and disengaged. Check out this quick personalized video: So much more to share! Hop on over to for more free info and resources! 
Maximized Capacity Profile

When you spend time in this profile, you are discerning and realize what your capacity is all about. You have strategically and soundly selected and agreed to the commitments that align with your energy and value systems. You can play to your tipping point while still being in control of your capacity. You are not over-committal and your confidence is soaring high because you've been successful in creating space for your capacity to thrive and serve those around you. Here is your personalized video on Maximized Capacity: This is a great place to be.  However, common trajectories for this type of profile are the following: 1)  You may start to feel over-confident in the handling of your commitments and start taking on a few more which may tip you into over-commitment. 2) You may also find yourself over-managing your capacity and turning down opportunities that are aligned with your values and that can serve you well.  So much more to share! Click here for more resources and tips!

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